💡Description and Requirements

What is LIQA?

LIQA™️ is a "smart camera" web tool, embeddable in any web or React Native application. LIQA™️ is designed to be used on modern mobile devices and help users collect only high-quality images.

What is a high-quality image?

The answer to this question might feel very subjective and it highly depends on how you measure the "quality". We at Haut.AI company developed unique no-reference image quality AI models that can estimate how likely the analysis of skin parameters would be correct for an exact photo and what can be improved. We group all features that we look at into 4 groups, easily explainable for the user: Position, Size, Angle, and Illumination of the skin on the face.

Why do you need a "smart camera" in your app?

Our product LIQA™️ is developed for a wide range of businesses, willing to collect user image data. Despite the fact that visions and goals might differ significantly, the unifying truth is simple:

It is much easier to collect good data from the start than it is to correct the consequences of bad data throughout the rest of the process.

Your users do not know (and they don't need to know it) what means "high-quality" for business, for AI model, for skin parameters estimation. Instead, LIQA™️ estimates image quality hyperparameters and interacts with the user through simple and friendly visual feedback, step-by-step improving image quality in real-time.

What key features for such a "smart camera" are critical?

  • Fairness. Analysis should not discriminate against people of different skin groups. ✔️LIQA™️ is trained on diverse datasets of more than 20 million images with all 6 Fitzpatrick phenotypes and a large variety of skin conditions.

  • Personal security. User image should not leave the user device before they are ready to submit and explicitly give their consent to use it. ✔️LIQA™️ requires no server connection for calculations, utilizing only the mobile device's computational capabilities. This means that any data will never leave the contour of an app where LIQA™️ is integrated.

  • Target device optimization. As we all are different, the devices we use every day also differ. Making your service equally accessible, smart camera should be optimized to run across wide range of devices with minimal behaviour deviations. ✔️LIQA™️ is highly optimized to run equally well in real-time on every modern device. You can learn more about supported categories here: Requirements

Finally, what is LIQA itself?

LIQA™️ stands for "Live Image Quality Assurance". Technically speaking, LIQA™️ is a JavaScript-based web library with all math, UI, memory and thread management inside amazingly well combined together with a simple API.

LIQA™️ takes initialization parameters as input and returns user image as output.


LIQA™️ currently supports embedding via several options:

  • iframe for integration to any website or PWA

  • webview for integration to native mobile applications, developed with React Native

Please, check the requirements below before the integration process!

Mobile devices

  • iPhone with iOS >= 14.3: (full)

  • Android >= 10: (full)

Tablet devices

  • iPad with iOS >= 14.3: (only portrait orientation)

  • tablets with Android >= 10: (only portrait orientation)

Desktop, laptop:

  • Windows, Linux: (only Google Chrome)

  • MacOS: (only Safari)

Last updated