
This page contains information about issues and Helpdesk contacts

Haut.AI Helpdesk

If you need help with integration or would like to report a bug, please, contact us directly via Haut.AI Helpdesk service.

The system will ask you to register with your e-mail to store the history of communications and allow the dev team to get back with a resolution or additional questions.

Most common issues

IssueExplanation / Possible solution

Loading takes some time on the exact device

  1. Check your internet connectivity speed. We recommend using LIQA with at least 15Mbit/s

Loading finished, camera not started

  1. Check that you have granted access to camera in device settings

  2. Check that you have granted access to camera in browser (for JavaScript/iframe integration)

  3. Check that you granted correct permissions (for React Native see

UI looks strange to me on exact device

  1. Report issue with incorrect UI screenshot on your device with exact device model to Haut.AI Helpdesk

Last updated