Care Groups

Care groups contain the results of the skincare categories according to the rules set in the Face Skin Metrics 2.0 application algorithms.


In the human population, there are a few functional conditions of the skin that vary from person to person. These differences are often described as "skin types". Each skin type needs a special skincare routine. The app will detect the skin type and provide you with recommendations on basic skincare, eye care, and additional care for any particular concerns.


The algorithm returns skin categories in three different groups:

"care_group": {
               "eye_care": "Dark circles",
               "basic_care": "Oily",
               "additional_care": ["Acne", "Vessels"]

  • basic_care Returns major skin category as str. There are four categories (skin types) in the basic care group:

  • eye_care Returns skincare category as str or empty list if none of the types are suitable. There are four categories in the eye care group:

  • additional_care Returns additional care categories as a list. There are six categories in the additional care group:

Example (JSON)

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