Version 2.5


Collect participants' data in the morning and evening Each stage is a session of user interactions with a data collection tool. The user can send selfies, apply the cosmetics product and has the option to answer survey questions. It is now possible to add one stage in the morning (before noon) and another in the afternoon.

Configure the survey You can choose to conduct a survey before and/or after the stage.

Return to incomplete stage Participants can easily get back to the incomplete stage in the data collection tool. The status of the stage will be highlighted in the timeline with missing photos.

Export survey answers We've improved the ability to export survey answers in CSV format.

Collect high-quality selfies We've improved real-time quality assessment.

  • Upgraded illumination settings to make the tool more skin tone-agnostic.

  • Added an assessment of the necessary technology by the browser before starting.

  • Updated control over the distance from the user’s head to the camera.


The new algorithm—pore analysis The pore recognition algorithm is available via API (in the scope of the Face Skin Metrics application).

Invite users to your organization You can now invite users to your organization by sharing a one-time link with them.

Last updated