🟡Visualize Masks on Frontend [JavaScript]

This page describes how to use display Masks in custom app using JavaScript

This page will soon be updated.

New masks visualisation code

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
		#holder-img {
		    position: relative;
		    display: flex;
		    align-items: center;
		    justify-content: center;
		    overflow: hidden;
		    background: #eee;
		    max-width: 300px;
		#holder-img svg{
		    height: 100%;
		    width: 100%;
		    display: block;
		    max-width: 300px;
	<!--image holder-->
	<p>Show as svg with elements</p>
	<div id="holder-img">
		<svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
			<rect id="box" width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff"></rect>
			<clipPath id="maskPolygons"></clipPath>
			<!-- Change image src here to clip your image -->
			<image id="image" width="812" height="812" clip-path="url(#maskPolygons)" src='./img.png'></image>
			<g id="subPolygons" clip-path="url(#maskPolygons)"></g>
	<p>Show as solid img instead of svg</p>
	<img id="solidImg">
	<!--example json data -->
	<script type="text/javascript" src="./example.json"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		//Mask colors
		const maskColors = [
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(84,255,255,1)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'none',
		      'stroke': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(42,16,74,0.5)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(252,255,84,0.5)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(252,255,84,0.5)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(1,11,102,0.5)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(255,80,164,1)'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'filter' : 'blur(4px)'
		    bigStyles: {
		      'filter' : 'blur(3px)'
		    middleStyles: {
		      'filter' : 'blur(1.5px)'
		    smallStyles: {
		      'filter' : 'blur(0.5px)'
		    ranges: [
		        range: [0,10], value: '#c5c5a0'
		        range: [11,20], value: '#c5c395'
		        range: [21,30], value: '#c6c082'
		        range: [31,40], value: '#c6ba64'
		        range: [41,50], value: '#c7b548'
		        range: [51,60], value: '#c8a74c'
		        range: [61,70], value: '#ca8c52'
		        range: [71,80], value: '#cb7859'
		        range: [81,90], value: '#cd6d5d'
		        range: [91,100], value: '#ce5663'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'none',
		      'stroke': 'rgba(192, 223, 126, 1)',
		      'stroke-width': '2.5px'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'none',
		      'stroke': 'rgba(255, 0, 122, 0.9)',
		      'stroke-width': '2.5px'
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(7, 221, 67, 0.7)',
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(95,214,66,0.7)',
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(0,206,95,0.6)',
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(210,255,203,0.7)',
		    names: [
		    styles: {
		      'fill' : 'rgba(116,255,104,0.3)',

		//Get SVG
		const svg = document.querySelector('#holder-img svg');

		// Choose here an algorithm mask to visualize
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'eye_bags');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'translucency');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'lines');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'sagging');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'uniformness');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'Hydration');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'redness');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'acne');
		//const mask = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'pigmentation');
		const masks = json.filter(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'eye_bags' || el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'pigmentation' || el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'lines');

		//main face clipping mask
		const maskMain = json.find(el=>el?.result?.algorithm_tech_name === 'front_face_areas');

		//load photo as base64 to clip inside svg
		//works only on server because of crossorigin
		new Promise((res) => {
			const img = new Image();
			const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
			const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
			const image = document.querySelector('#image');
			img.src = image.getAttribute('src');
			img.onload = () => {
				canvas.width = img.width;
				canvas.height = img.height;
				ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
				const base64 = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpg');
				ctx.clearRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height);

			//set base64 img to svg
			image.setAttribute('href', base64);

			//generate masks
					mask.result.masks_restored.forEach(el => {
						generate(el, svg);

			//generate main mask to crop
			// Choose which zones to crop from the face, here we exclude eye areas

				//Hide parts of face if needed: 
				const maskMainRestored = maskMain.result.masks_restored.filter(el=>el.tech_name !== 'left_eye_area' && el.tech_name !== 'right_eye_area');

				maskMainRestored.forEach(el => {
					generate(el, svg, true);


		function getPngImage(svg) {
			const svgDocType = document.implementation.createDocumentType(
				'-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN',
			const svgDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(

			svgDoc.replaceChild(svg.cloneNode(true), svgDoc.documentElement);

			const img = new Image();
			img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';
			img.src = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgDoc));
			img.onload = (res) => {

		function objectGenerate(type, c, group) {
		    let object = null;
		    if (type === 'MultiPolygon') {
				object = group.appendChild(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "polygon"));      
		    if (type === 'MultiPoint') {
				object = group.appendChild(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"));      
		    if (type === 'MultiLineString') {
				object = group.appendChild(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "polyline"));      
		    return object;

		function generate(DATA, svg, crop=false) {
			//Set viewBox
			svg.setAttribute("viewBox", DATA.view_box);

			//Styles for different size of image
			const boxWidth = DATA.view_box.split(' ')[2];
		    const maskColor = maskColors.find(
		      m => m.names.indexOf(DATA.tech_name) !== -1
		    let styles = maskColor?.styles;
			if(boxWidth < 500) {
				styles = maskColor?.smallStyles || styles;
			} else if(boxWidth < 1000) {
				styles = maskColor?.middleStyles || styles;
			} else if(boxWidth < 2000) {
				styles = maskColor?.bigStyles || styles;

			//Sum to calculate Hydration mask
			let intSum = 0;

				//Group for svg objects
				let group = '';
					group = svg.querySelector('#subPolygons').appendChild(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"));
				} else {
					group = svg.querySelector('#maskPolygons');

				//Base styles
				if (DATA.fill) {
					group.style.fill = DATA.fill;

				//Adding our custom styles
				if (styles) {
				  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(styles)) {
				  	group.style[key] = value;

				//Intensity and custom intensity for 
				if(maskColor && maskColor.names.indexOf('dehydration') !== -1) {
				  intSum += d.properties.intensity*100;
				  group.style['fill'] = maskColor.ranges.find(r=> r.range[0] <= intSum && r.range[1] >= intSum)?.value || '';
				} else {
				  group.style['fill-opacity'] = d.properties.intensity;

				//Generating objects
					const object = objectGenerate(d.geometry.type, c, group);
					object.setAttribute('vector-effect', true);
					object.setAttribute('non-scaling-stroke', true);

Last updated