🟢API for Datasets

This page contains description of datasets management via API.

Datasets are spaces where you can store and manage your end-user data, such as images and metrics.

What is dataset?

What can you do

You can find more details on these actions in the Dataset section of Swagger.

Create dataset

Please do not create a dataset for each analysis. Create a dataset for your app, your study, or something big.

Optional Features for Dataset Creation

When creating a dataset, you can customize its behavior using several optional fields. These options give you control over how long images and their metadata are stored, as well as when to clean up images after processing.

Optional Fields:

  1. expire_images_after_days:

    • Set this to any positive integer (including 0) to automatically delete uploaded images after the specified number of days.

    • Default value: images are not deleted at all.

    • Example: If set to 7, images will be deleted 7 days after they are uploaded.

    • Note: if you visited UI and opened an image, it is cached in the browser for 24 hours, so you will still see it in UI even after auto-deletion.

  2. expire_metadata_after_days:

    • This works similarly to expire_images_after_days, but applies to the subject metadata (birth_date, phenotype, biological_sex, meta fields) and metrics and submetrics stored in the dataset.

    • Default value: metadata is not deleted at all.

    • If set to any positive integer (including 0), the metadata and results will be cleared from the database after the specified number of days.

  3. clean_images_as_soon_as_ready:

    • If set to true, uploaded images will be scheduled for deletion 15 minutes after the algorithms finish processing. This helps to reduce storage usage by cleaning up images that are no longer needed immediately after processing.

    • Default value: images are not deleted at all.

    • Note: if you visited UI and opened an image, it is cached in the browser for 24 hours, so you will still see it in UI even after auto-deletion.

Use Cases:

  • Short-term storage: If you're working with sensitive data or want to minimize storage costs, use expire_images_after_days and clean_images_as_soon_as_ready to ensure images are cleaned up quickly. Critical to notice: if you need any help with understanding why image is processed "like that", with these settings our Support team can not help, as images are already deleted.

  • Long-term metadata retention: You can still retain algorithm results and metadata for a longer period using expire_metadata_after_days, even after the images are deleted

List dataset

Retrieve a list of all datasets associated with your company. This is useful for managing multiple datasets, keeping track of usage, and reviewing the status of stored data.

Delete dataset

You can delete a dataset when it’s no longer needed. Deleting a dataset will remove all images, metadata, and metrics and submetrics stored within it.

Update dataset

Certain fields in a dataset can be modified after creation. This allows you to update key attributes like the dataset's name or adjust optional features such as expiration settings (expire_images_after_days, expire_metadata_after_days, etc.).

Last updated