Version 2.28

B2B interface

Upload an unlimited number of images to your datasets

Now there is no limitation on the number of uploaded images in a single shot. We have optimised our uploading to provide the best performance. Great for those bulk uploads.

Randomise questions in your surveys

You can now configure the Study to randomise survey questions shown to study participants. This enables more precise answers, not dependent on the order of questions.


Choose only the required algorithms in your applications.

You can now modify the number of algorithms in the application attached to the dataset. Even after you attached the app to the dataset and started to upload images to the dataset, you can modify the app to exclude some of the algorithms or include new ones on the go. This can be done via API only at the moment.

Please use POST /companies/{company_Id}/applications/{application_Id}/runs request for this and add enabled_algorithms list to request body

For more details please see documentation.

Brand new algorithm - Analyse skin oiliness.

We are proud to announce a new skin metric available in the scope of Face Metrics 2.0 - oiliness. It does not run in Metrics 2.0 by default at the moment. Please add it to calculations via API as described in the documentation.


As always, we continue to improve our algorithms.

  • Wrinkles - new score and better accuracy for the final score

  • Redness - new score and better accuracy (now compatible with facial hair)

  • Sagging - new score and visualisation (now compatible with facial hair)

  • Skin tone - improved accuracy

  • Hydration - visualisation bugs fixed

Last updated