Version 2.46-2.47

B2C App Constructor: more features for a better user experience!

🌎 The App supports more languages: Dutch, Romanian and Danish localisations are added!

⚙️ Set up a fixed language for the Skin Consultant App! By default, the app’s language is determined by the end user’s browser language. However, if you want your app to be in one language despite your user’s browser settings you can now make it that way! Just choose the desired language in the Advanced Settings -> Translation, we now support 16 languages.

✨ Image quality is double checked after the analysis to ensure the most accurate results! If, by any chance, the user took or uploaded a bad quality image, the system will let them know and provide them with tips on improving the photo. 💻 And more advanced options:

  • Enable/disable the weather screen that shows users the weather conditions in their area.

  • You can now mark questions in the survey as mandatory.

  • The "Buy now” button can be customised in advanced settings (scroll to the bottom to see this option) - change it to “Read more”, “Book now” or whatever suits your product range.

SaaS Platform news

  1. Acne App can distinguish between 4 types of acne manifestations (papules, pustules, acne inflammation and post-acne hyperpigmentation) and assess the severity of each! It can process both frontal and side face images.

  2. Acne Beautification simulates what the face would look like without any acne.

  3. Acne Recommendation App provides personalised product recommendations according to the user’s unique skin condition. It also offers comprehensive feedback on why certain products are recommended.

  • Beautification App - choose the desired level of beautification.

  • Acne 2.0 App - choose whether to process frontal and side images or only frontal.

We will be adding more configuration options to our Apps in the future to meet your demands!

Some technical updates for the developers

Last updated