🟢API for Subjects

This page contains description of subjects management via API.

A SaaS Subject is a unique end-user (person) that uses your application powered by Haut.AI technology, e.g., one of your customers or one of your study participants.

What is subject?

What can you do?

You can find more details on these actions in the Subject section of Swagger.

Create subject

Create a subject connected to your user (e.g. the user user1 connects to your app, you create a subject with the name user1, so you can easily find all the images of this user), uniqueness of the subject is not required, but it's recommended to use unique subjects' names to identify users and their images along with results later easily.

Every subject has an internal id ID in SaaS (it looks like this 2fea742a-62ec-4a81-9729-9e0283f9c40c), it's a good practice to have a mapping of our IDs to users within your app or platform.

Update subject

List subjects in dataset

Delete subject

If you delete a subject, you won't be able to upload images to it anymore. You must recreate subject to do it. Otherwise you would get an API error.

Delete a subject

Delete multiple subjects

Delete photos from storage

Clear subject metadata

Last updated