Version 2.3

What is the data collection tool? The data collection tool (DCT) is a tool for the automated collection of standardized selfies.

What is the DCT used for? The DCT was created for specialists to collect and analyze participants’ image data during consumer studies, decentralized trials and real-world evidence studies.

What does the DCT look like? This end-to-end solution provides a web-based interface for companies to set up and configure studies, as well as a simple web mobile interface for study participants to take a survey and upload photos.

How is image quality control done? Our system guarantees the collection of quality data using live image-quality rejection algorithms. It gives very comprehensive and illustrative feedback to study participants on how to take a high-quality photo.

More information about the data collection tool Do you want to know more about the data collection tool and how you can use it? Check out this section to read more about it.

Last updated