🟡Visualize Masks on Server [Python]

This page explains how to visualize the output of masks with JavaScript and Python code, and overlay them onto original and restored images.

This page will soon be updated.


An example of code converting a vectorized mask with "mask_type": "polygon_mask" to a raster image in Python and to an SVG in JavaScript

import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Union
from skimage.draw import polygon
from matplotlib.colors import hex2color

def view_box_to_shape(view_box: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Supplementary method to convert viewBox to image shape.

    :param view_box: str, view_box
    :return: tuple, image shape, (height, width)
    view_box = [int(elem) for elem in view_box.split(" ")]
    return view_box[3] - view_box[1], view_box[2] - view_box[0]

def draw_multipolygons(vector_mask):
    """Function to rasterize vector polygon mask

    :return: np.ndarray, np.float32 2D mask with values in range [0, 1]
    img_shape = view_box_to_shape(vector_mask["view_box"])
    canvas = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for feature in vector_mask["features"]:
        intensity = (
            np.uint8(feature["properties"]["intensity"] * 255)
            if feature["properties"]["intensity"]
            else 255
        for polygon_object in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"]:
            external_contours = np.array(polygon_object[0])
            rr, cc = polygon(
                external_contours[:, 1], external_contours[:, 0], canvas.shape
            canvas[rr, cc] += intensity
            if len(polygon_object) > 1:
                for contour in polygon_object[1:]:
                    internal_contour = np.array(contour)
                    rr, cc = polygon(
                        internal_contour[:, 1], internal_contour[:, 0], canvas.shape
                    canvas[rr, cc] -= intensity
        canvas = np.clip(canvas, 0, 255)
    return canvas

An example of code overlaying a vectorized mask with an input image

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

def color_hex2rgb(hex_color: str) -> tuple:
    """Function to convert color from HEX to RGB"""
    return tuple([int(255 * value) for value in hex2color(hex_color)])

def overlay_mask(
    image: np.ndarray, vector_mask: dict, fill=None, opacity=0.8
) -> np.ndarray:

    """Method to overlay vector mask on given image

    :param image: np.ndarray, RGB / RGB+A image, np.uint8
    :param vector_mask: dict containing vector masks
    :param fill: fill color in HEX format.
        Example: '#ffffff' for white color. If left `None`,
        default color #2f63d9 is used. Default is `None`
    :param opacity: opacity of mask
    :return: overlaid_image, np.ndarray, RGB / RGB+A image, np.uint8

    image_rgb = image[:, :, :3]

    if vector_mask['mask_type'] in ['polygon_mask', 'heatmap_mask']:
        mask = draw_multipolygons(vector_mask)
        mask = draw_multipoints(vector_mask)

    if fill is None:
        if vector_mask["fill"] is None:
            fill = "#2f63d9"
            fill = vector_mask["fill"]

    rgb_color = color_hex2rgb(fill)

    canvas = image.copy().astype(np.float32)
    for channel in range(len(rgb_color)):
        channel_intensity = rgb_color[channel]
        canvas[:, :, channel] -= canvas[:, :, channel] * opacity * mask
        canvas[:, :, channel] += mask * opacity * channel_intensity
    return canvas.clip(0,255).astype(np.uint8)

img = cv2.imread('test_img.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

Input image Overlaid image

A file with an example mask is attached:


Code to convert a vectorized mask with "mask_type": "point_mask" to a raster image

def draw_multipoints(vector_mask: dict) -> np.ndarray:
    """Function to rasterize vector points mask

    :param vector_mask: dict describing a mask
    :return: np.ndarray, np.float32 2D mask with values in range [0, 1]
    img_shape = view_box_to_shape(vector_mask["view_box"])
    canvas = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for feature in vector_mask['features']:
        intensity = (
            int(feature['properties']['intensity'] * 255)
            if feature['properties']['intensity']
            else 255
        for point_object in feature['geometry']['coordinates']:
            canvas = cv2.circle(
    return canvas.astype(np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('test_img.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)


Code to convert a vectorized mask with "mask_type": "polyline_mask" to a raster image

Please pay attention to the lines; they should have a defined line width to be visible, so there is one additional parameter for the function: line_thickness_pixels

  • For Python, this parameter is expected to be an integer number >= 1, and the value would be treated as a line width in pixels (as it returns a raster image)

  • For JavaScript htis parameter is expected to be a ...

def draw_multipolylines(  # noqa
    vector_mask: VectorMask, line_thickness_pixels: int = 1
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Function to rasterize vector polylines mask

    :param vector_mask: VectorMask, see `haut_ai.dev.utils.ds.algorithm_base`
    :param line_thickness_pixels: int, default value for visualization of lines
    :return: np.ndarray, np.float32 2D mask with values in range [0, 1]
    line_thickness_pixels = int(max(1, line_thickness_pixels))

    img_shape = view_box_to_shape(vector_mask.view_box)
    canvas = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    for feature in vector_mask.features:
        intensity = (
            int(feature.properties.intensity * 255)
            if feature.properties.intensity
            else 255
        for polyline_object in feature.geometry.coordinates:
            for point_1, point_2 in zip(polyline_object[:-1], polyline_object[1:]):
                canvas = cv2.line(

    return canvas.astype(np.uint8)

img = cv2.imread('test_img.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)


The visualization is the same as for a polygon_mask

Last updated