Version 2.24

Customise your PDF reports with your own branding!

Create your custom branding in the “Branding” section and apply it to the PDF reports in the Dataset settings. What can you customise?

  • 2 major colors

  • colors and labels to highlight good/bad results

  • logo

  • brand image

  • QR code for your site

  • company description.

To create a customized PDF report, you simply need to set up your branding in the Branding tab, then apply it to your dataset in the Dataset settings. To learn how to do this, click here.

Add illustrations to survey questions

Illustrations will be displayed when the user goes through the survey in the Data Collection Tool.

Configure LIQA auto-capture in the Data Collection Tool

Now it’s possible to enable or disable auto-capture in LIQA (frontend quality library) during the Study configuration.

Find your recent Datasets and Studies right on the start Dashboard screen.

Check out your usage statistics

Go through your API calls statistics and storage usage for the previous month in the “Usage statistics” section.

Upload frontal photos more easily

Upload frontal photos using the simple mode, or switch to advanced to upload also side photos.

Last updated