Hydration API Response Scheme

The hydration parameter reflects how skin suffers from a lack of water. Problems with hydration can be identified through indirect skin features, such as fine lines or cracks, irritation, flaking, scaling, or peeling.

The higher parameter values are associated with better hydration levels.

"algorithm_tech_name": "hydration"


The algorithm returns metrics and sub-metrics for the following facial areas:

  • face


The main metric is an overall score indicating hydration for each area_name

"main_metric": {
                "value": 50,
                "widget_type": "bad_good_line",
                "name": "Hydration Score",
                "tech_name": "hydration_score",
                "widget_meta": null
  • value the hydration score ranges in [0,100]

  • "widget_type": "bad_good_line" indicates that a higher value is better

  • "name": "Hydration score"

  • "tech_name": "hydration_score"


"sub_metrics": [
                    "value": "Mild Dehydration",
                    "widget_type": "category",
                    "name": "Hydration Level",
                    "tech_name": "hydration_level",
                    "widget_meta": null
  • value one of the following categories ['Severe Dehydration', 'Moderate Dehydration', 'Mild Dehydration', 'Normal Hydration']

  • "widget_type": "category" indicates that "value" is a categorial

  • "name": "Hydration level"

  • "tech_name": "hydration_level"


The algorithm returns a vectorized mask of dehydration (skin areas which suffers from a lack of water) for an restored image

  • "mask_type": "heatmap_mask"

  • features

    • geometry

      • "type": "MultiPolygon"

    See more on Masks here


The algorithm returns a vectorized mask of dehydration (skin areas which suffers from a lack of water) for an original image

  • "mask_type": "heatmap_mask"

  • features

    • geometry

      • "type": "MultiPolygon"

    See more on Masks here

Example (JSON)

Last updated