Pigmentation API Response Scheme

Haut.AI provides an AI algorithm that estimates pigmented spots for different facial areas and the whole face.


Pigmentation refers to the coloring of the skin and is determined mainly by the brown pigment melanin. Pigmentation takes into account the prominence of dark spots, moles and freckles. Hyperpigmentation is usually harmless but can sometimes be caused by an underlying medical condition. In case of very low parameter values, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The higher the value of this parameter, the fewer pigmented spots you have.

"algorithm_tech_name": "pigmentation"


The algorithm returns metrics and sub-metrics for the following facial areas:

  • face

  • nose_upper_triangle

  • right_cheek_wide

  • left_cheek_wide

  • forehead

  • chin_wide


The main metric is an overall score indicating the pigmented spots for each area_name

"main_metric": {
                "value": 95,
                "widget_type": "bad_good_line",
                "name": "Pigmentation score",
                "tech_name": "pigmentation_score",
                "widget_meta": null
  • value the pigmentation score ranges from [0,100]The higher the value of this parameter, the fewer pigmented spots

  • "widget_type": "bad_good_line" indicates that a higher value is better

  • "name": "Pigmentation score"

  • "tech_name": "pigmentation_score"


The algorithm returns sub-metrics for each area_name

"sub_metrics": [
                    "value": 12,
                    "widget_type": "numeric",
                    "name": "Number of pigmentation spots",
                    "tech_name": "number_of_regions",
                    "widget_meta": null
                    "value": 0,
                    "widget_type": "density",
                    "name": "Pigmentation density score",
                    "tech_name": "density_score",
                    "widget_meta": null
                    "value": 0,
                    "widget_type": "density",
                    "name": "Average intensity of pigmentation",
                    "tech_name": "average_intensity_score",
                    "widget_meta": null
                    "value": 9,
                    "widget_type": "density",
                    "name": "Average size of pigmentation spots",
                    "tech_name": "average_region_size",
                    "widget_meta": null
                    "value": 5,
                    "widget_type": "density",
                    "name": "Standard deviation of pigmentation spots size",
                    "tech_name": "region_size_std",
                    "widget_meta": null
  • Number of pigmented spots estimates the number of detected pigmented spots

    • value the detected number of spots

    • "widget_type": "numeric"

    • "name": "Number of pigmented spots"

    • "tech_name": "number_of_regions"

  • Pigmentation density score estimates the density of spots

    • value the density of pigmented spots

    • "widget_type": "density"

    • "name": "Pigmentation density score"

    • "tech_name": "density_score"

  • Average size of pigmented spots estimates the average size of pigmented spots in comparison with the skin area

    • value

    • "widget_type": "density"

    • "name": "Average size of pigmentation spots"

    • "tech_name": "average_region_size"

  • Standard deviation of pigmented spots' size estimates the standard deviation of pigmented spots' size

    • value the density of pigmented spots

    • "widget_type": "density"

    • "name": "Standard deviation of pigmentation spots size"

    • "tech_name": "region_size_std"

  • Average intensity of pigmentation estimates the intensity of pigmented spots

    • value the higher the value of this parameter, the more severe the spots

    • "widget_type": "density"

    • "name": "Average intensity of pigmentation"

    • "tech_name": "average_intensity_score"


The algorithm returns a vectorized masks of pigmented spots for a face-aligned image

  • "mask_type": "polygon_mask"

  • features

    • geometry

      • "type": "MultiPoint"

    See more on Masks here


The algorithm returns a vectorized mask of pigmented spots for an original image

  • "mask_type": "polygon_mask"

  • features

    • geometry

      • "type": "MultiPoint"

    See more on Masks here

Example (JSON)

Last updated