Skin type API Response Scheme (new since Aug 2024)


Skin type is determined by the functional properties of the skin, which categorize it into types such as normal, oily, dry, and combination. As facial skin experience various environmental factors and natural changes, the skin’s sebum production and moisture levels fluctuate, leading to transitions between these types. These changes can result in differences in skin characteristics such as oiliness, dryness, and the presence of mixed areas. Over time, skin types may evolve, moving from one category to another based on these dynamic properties. Skin type is crucial for the recommendations of skin care product that would be beneficial for precise skin characteristic. The algorithm returns four classes for the face: oily, normal, dry, and combination; and three for U- and T-zones: oily, normal, and dry.


The algorithm returns metrics and sub-metrics for the following facial areas:

  • face


The main metric is the skin type classification of a particular area or a whole face

"main_metric": {
                "value": "Oily",
                "widget_type": "category",
                "name": "Skin type",
                "tech_name": "skin_type",
                "widget_meta": null
  • valueThe skin type value might return one of the following 4 values:

    • Oily

    • Dry

    • Normal

    • Combinational

  • "widget_type": "category" this indicates that the value is categorial.

  • "name": "Skin type"

  • "tech_name": "skin_type"


The main metric is the skin type classification of a particular area or a whole face

"submetrics": [{
                "value": "Oily",
                "widget_type": "category",
                "name": "U-zone skin type",
                "tech_name": "u_zone_skin_type_class"
                "value": "Oily",
                "widget_type": "category",
                "name": "T-zone skin type",
                "tech_name": "t_zone_skin_type_class",
  • valueThe skin type value might return one of the following 3 values:

    • Oily

    • Dry

    • Normal

  • "widget_type": "category" this indicates that the value is categorial.

  • "name": "U-zone skin type", "T-zone skin type",

  • "tech_name": "skin_type"


The algorithm doesn't return any


The algorithm doesn't return any

Last updated