Facial Landmarks API Response Scheme

Facial landmarks are a set of face points that allow the marking of facial features, such as the nose, mouth, eyes, etc. Haut.AI provides 53 predefined landmark points:

"algorithm_tech_name": "facial_landmarks"


area_results is returned as an empty list


The algorithm returns a vectorized mask of the facial landmarks for a restored image

  • "mask_type": "point_mask"

  • features

    • geometry

      • "type": "MultiPoint"

      • "coordinates" list of (x,y,z) landmarks coordinates. The first element of the list corresponds to the point 1 from the image above, the second corresponds to the point 2, etc.

      NB! Note that now z (depth) coordinate returns 0 for all points. This value is reserved for a future update. Use (x,y) coordinates only.

    See more on Masks here


The algorithm returns a vectorized mask of the facial landmarks for an original image

  • "mask_type": "point_mask"

  • features

    • geometry

      • "type": "MultiPoint"

    See more on Masks here

Example (JSON)

Last updated