Hair Color Uniformness

Haut.AI provides an AI algorithm that estimates the level of uniformness in hair color.


This metric shows how uniform the hair color is. The higher the value for this parameter, the greater the uniformness of the hair color.

"algorithm_tech_name": "hair_color_uniformness"


The algorithm returns metrics for the following area:

  • hair


The main metric is an overall score indicating the hair color uniformness score for area_name

"main_metric": {
                "value": 90,
                "widget_type": "bad_good_line",
                "name": "Hair Color Uniformness",
                "tech_name": "hair_color_uniformness",
                "widget_meta": null
  • value The color uniformness score ranges from [0,100]. The higher the value of this parameter, the more uniform the color of the hair. The uniformness can be divided into six classes based on value:

    • (90,100] - Completely uniform

    • (80,90] - Highly uniform

    • (70,80] - Mostly uniform

    • (50,70] - Average unevenness

    • (30, 50] - Mostly uneven

    • [0,30] - Completely uneven

  • "widget_type": "bad_good_line" indicates that a higher value corresponds to even hair color

  • "name": "Hair Color Uniformness"

  • "tech_name": "hair_color_uniformness"


None - there are no sub-metrics for hair color uniformness


None - there are no restored masks for hair color uniformness


None - there are no original masks for hair color uniformness

Example (JSON)

Last updated