Add Product Items to Product Inventory

This page describes how to import your product items to SaaS Product Inventory

Product Inventory is a part of Products Recommendation feature that is used to store and manage your Product Item list in the SaaS Platform.

There are 2 options to add your product items to the Product Inventory:

Adding product items manually

You can add products one by one manually by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Product Inventory tab in the SaaS Platform.

  2. Click on the “New Product” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  3. A menu for new Product Item creation will appear (see a screenshot below).

  4. Enter the properties of the product.

  5. Press the button "Save and close" to save the product and close this menu.

Adding product items by bulk import

You can add multiple products at one go by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Product Inventory tab in the SaaS Platform.

  2. Click on the "Import Products" button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  3. A menu for new Product items bulk import will appear (see a screenshot below).

  4. Select your e-commerce platform:

    1. Currently, Haut.AI supports formats of Shopify and Shoplaza.

    2. In case you are using any other platform, please select a Standard option.


How many product items can I import to SaaS?

You can add an unlimited number of product items to your Product Inventory in SaaS Platform.

You can learn it in the next section of this Quick Start guide: Create and Configure Product Shelf.

Can I change the product item properties after the import?

Yes, you can update or change the product item information at any time by clicking on the product item name in the Product Inventory.

Do not forget to always click the “Save and close” button when finished editing the product.

Can I delete product items in bulk?

Yes, you can delete multiple products at once. See Delete product items in bulk.

Last updated