Create and Configure Product Shelf

This page describes how to connect your product items with skin concern categories of your consumers.

Product Shelf is a part of Products Recommendation feature that is used to connect your Product Item list to end user skin concern categories.

In the previous step Add Product Items to Product Inventory you already imported all your products to Haut.AI SaaS Product Inventory. If not, please perform the previous step first.

To configure the Recommendation Engine, you need:

  1. Create a new product shelf, see Creating a new Product Shelf.

  2. Match imported Product Item with skin concern categories, see Adding product items to Slots.

Creating a new Product Shelf

  1. Navigate to Product Shelves tab in the Product Inventory section of SaaS Platform.

  2. Click "Add new shelf."

  3. Give your shelf a name and a brief description.

Adding product items to Slots

Haut.AI Recommendation Engine (RE) uses categories (see About Categories) to group the different skin concerns and relevant product slots for each concern.

The slot is a green or grey box, designed for specific product types.

  1. Click on slot.

  2. A pop-up window will appear, displaying your product items list.

  3. Click the blue plus sign next to the product you want to add.

  4. Once you've finished adding product items to this slot, click "OK", and the added product items will be saved.

Filling the Basic Care Category

  1. Read about the category here: Basic Care Category.

  2. Follow Adding product items to Slots to fill slots.

  3. Read more about the Basic Care category here: Basic Care Category.

You are highly encouraged to fill all skin types and most of slots in the Basic Care category.

Recommendation Engine will select these products always when the user has no detectable specific skin concerns.

Filling the Eye Care Category

The user is recommended a product item from Eye Care slots only if the eye area condition requires attention.

Filling the Special Concerns Category

The user is recommended a product item from Special Concerns slots only if the exact skin concern condition requires attention.

Note that some slots of Special Concerns category may overwrite recommendations from Basic Care relevant slots.


  • You have Day creme for normal skin (1) slot filled in Basic Care category

  • You have Day creme for vessles (2) slot filled in Special Concerns

  • Your user has Normal skin type -> they get product items from Day creme for normal skin (1) slot recommended

  • Your user has Normal skin type and Vessels skin concern detected -> they get product items from Day creme for vessles (2) slot recommended, and not the Day creme for normal skin (1)


How many products can I add to any slot/category?

Each slot in the product recommendation category can hold up to 12 product items.

How many shelves can I have?

You can have an unlimited number of shelves in SaaS.

I don't have any product item for the exact slot/category

If your business does not offer some type of products, you can leave the unnecessary/irrelevant slots or product categories empty.

The Recommendation Engine will address only the rest concerns.

If the user has any concern that you have no product items associated with, the user will not be recommended any product to treat this concern.

How are my product items prioritized for recommendation?

By default, the product items from the same slot are displayed alphabetically to the end-user

If you would like to determine the order in the products display, please, use the Star Rating feature in the Product Inventory:

  • You can give each product item up to five stars

  • The product with the most stars within a category gets displayed first

  • Two or more products with the same number of stars are displayed alphabetically

How my product recommendations will look for the end user?

Check the Recommendations View in Skin Consultant App page.

Can I adjust the logic of recommendation (score thresholds)? Can I create new slots/categories?

Unfortunately, this functionality is not available.

Our Recommendation Engine was designed by in-house dermatologists with scientific correctness as a top priority.

If you would like to request additional attention to your case, please contact your Customer Success Manager or reach out to us via the support desk.

Last updated