Face Metrics 2.0 Application

Purpose, Scope and Limitations


Face Metrics 2.0 Application Algorithms are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

None of the provided skin health parameters estimations can be treated as health advice.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider on any medical condition or treatment as well as before undertaking any healthcare regimen.

Face Metrics 2.0 Application provides Algorithms that perform the analysis of skin visual appearance on the facial area. The analysis is aimed at evaluating the visible and measurable skin health parameters.

Algorithms included in this Application

Skin Health Algorithms

These Algorithms are designed to evaluate visible and measurable skin health parameters:

  1. Acne algorithm, see more here: Acne Algorithm.

  2. Eye Age algorithm, see more here: Eye Age Algorithm.

  3. Eye Area Condition algorithm, see more here: Eye Area Condition Algorithm.

  4. Hydration algorithm, see more here: Hydration Algorithm.

  5. Lines algorithm, see more here: Lines Algorithm.

  6. Perceived Age algorithm, see more here: Perceived Age Algorithm.

  7. Pigmentation algorithm, see more here: Pigmentation Algorithm.

  8. Pores algorithm, see more here: Pores Algorithm.

  9. Redness algorithm, see more here: Redness Algorithm.

  10. Skin Tone algorithm, see more here: Skin tone Algorithm.

  11. Skin Type algorithm (new since Aug 2024), see more here: Skin type Algorithm (new since Aug 2024)

  12. Uniformness algorithm, see more here: Uniformness Algorithm.

Several algorithms are available for a limited set of clients, but better alternatives are recommended for everyone:

  1. Translucency algorithm -> Instead, use the Skin Type algorithm.

  2. ITA (Individual Typology Angle) algorithm -> Instead, use the Skin Tone algorithm.

  3. Wrinkles (deprecated) algorithm -> Instead, use the Lines Algorithm.

  4. Sagging (deprecated) algorithm -> Instead, use the Lines Algorithm.

Technical Algorithms

These Algorithms are designed to provide additional technical capabilities for visualization of analysis results

  1. Facial Landmarks

  2. Quality

Availability of Application

  1. Face Metrics 2.0 Application is used to analyse all images, that are collected via Skin Consultant App for all plan clients.

  2. Face Metrics 2.0 Application is available via API for Professional plan clients. See the detailed API doc: API for Face Metrics 2.0 Application.

Input Requirements

Input Data

Face Metrics 2.0 Application requires a high-resolution portrait photograph of a human face with:

  • open eyes and neutral facial expression.

  • no face-covering accessories or obstructions.

  • clear skin, no make-up.

Face Metrics 2.0 Application supports input in the form of:

  • a single frontal portrait image.

  • a triplet (3) of frontal, right 40-degree, and left 40-degree portrait images.

Dependency on Other Applications

Face Metrics 2.0 Application does not have any dependencies on other applications and can be used directly on input data.

Output Details

Output Data

Face Metrics 2.0 Application returns a variable set of numerical and categorical estimations of visible and measurable skin health parameters, evaluated with Algorithms included in this Application.

Dependency for Other Applications

Face Metrics 2.0 Application is required to be successfully calculated on Input Data in order for all the following applications to be executed:

  • Recommendation Engine Application


Last updated