Branded PDF reports

Create your custom branding in the “Branding” section and apply it to the PDF reports in the Datasets settings.

What can you customize?

  • Two major colors

  • Colors and labels to highlight good/bad results

  • Logo

  • Brand image

  • QR code for your site

  • Company description

How to apply branding to your dataset

To customize your reports, you first need to create a branding template. Then, you can attach it to your dataset in the “Settings” tab.

How to create a template

  1. To create your branding template, go to the “Branding” tab in the navigation menu and click on the “New preset” button.

  2. Start by choosing your primary colors.

  3. You can also add your logo and a brand image. Note that the size of this brand image needs to be 300 x 1000 px.

  4. You can also add a QR code to your report and a brand description.

  5. And lastly, you can add custom colors and labels for value codes.

Here’s what a branded report looks like:

Last updated