Set Up Grading Survey

Survey type

After creating your app, you will be redirected to a page where you can adjust the settings and design your app. First, go to the “Settings” tab and select the survey type option “Choose between two photos”. Here, you can also add the question that you want to ask your participants, e.g., “Who looks more friendly?”

Image pairing

Next, you need to choose the order in which the images from the dataset will be paired up for the comparison. To do this, download the sample table.

Open it in MS Excel or any other program you use to work with CSV files. There, you will see the names of your images (file names) in a table, placed one against the other. This is the order in which the pairs of images will appear during the survey. You can leave this as is and upload the same file to the platform or reorder the pairings in any way you like.

To upload the file, click on the “Upload table” button. Please note that the file has to be in CSV format.

Save your changes

The most important step is to save your changes. To do this, click on the “Done” button and proceed to the next step.

Last updated