Product Inventory

This page describes a feature of Haut.AI SaaS Platform that allows you to store and maintain product items.

Product Inventory is a part of Products Recommendation feature that is used to store and manage your Product Item list in the SaaS Platform.

Product Inventory is available in the SaaS platform via this link:

About Product Inventory

Product Inventory is a table for storing all your imported product items in the SaaS platform.

Product Inventory allows to:

Supported Product Item Properties

Every product item has several properties:

PropertyRequired?How it is used

Product name


  • End users see the product item under this name when the product is recommended.

  • Several product items in one slot (see Product Shelf) are sorted alphabetically when the products are recommended.

Vendor code


Internal data to simplify the search



Link to the dedicated page of the product on your website.



End users see this price value of the product when the product is recommended.



This property is used to prioritize the order of products. The products with higher priority are displayed first to end users.



Short text that users will see when they click on product

Preview image


A product image, displayed on product card

Add new products

You can add an unlimited number of product items to your Product Inventory in SaaS Platform.

See Add Product Items to Product Inventory guide.

Change Properties of Product Item

  1. Click on the product item name.

  2. A pop-up screen with product Item properties will appear.

  3. Change relevant properties.

  4. Click the "Save and close" button at the bottom of the pop-up window.

Skin Consultant Appcan display the Product Recommendation.

Preview how the product will look like here: #preview

Delete product items in bulk

You can delete multiple products at once.

  1. Select several products by checkbox close to the vendor code column.

  2. Click the “Delete selected” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Last updated