Product Shelf

Product Shelves are a part of Products Recommendationfeature that is used to match your Product Item list to end-user skin concern categories for a specific set of products.

Product Shelves are available in SaaS Platform via this link:

About Product Shelf

Product Shelf is a unique matrix, that matches product items with relevant skin concerns.

Several Product Shelves can be created from the same Product Inventory in order to organize product items in different recommendation setups.

Example: You have 1 store, but you organize 2 different promo campaigns, targeted to different brands of your store. Therefore you can use 2 different product Shelves to organize product items for Brand #1 and Brand #2 separately, so they do not overlap.

You can then add different Shelves to different Skin Consultant Apps.

You can have an unlimited number of Product Shelves in SaaS.

Each Product Shelf has:

  • Categories to group the different skin concerns and relevant product slots for each concern. Read more here: About Categories.

  • Slots to tailor an exact list of product items to exact skin concerns. Read more here: About Slots.

About Categories

Categories are used to group the different types of skin concerns. There are three categories:

  • Basic Care: this category contains slots for all the core skincare products for every routine, such as cleansers, moisturizers, etc.

    Learn more about it here: Basic Care Category.

  • Eye Care: this category contains slots for all eye-related products, such as creams, serums, etc.

    Learn more about it here: Eye Care Category.

  • Special Concerns: this category contains slots for products targeting specific skin concerns like visible acne, excessive redness or pigmentation. This category also offers several categories targeted for anti-ageing product items.

    Learn more about it here: Special Concerns Category.

About Slots

Slots are used to tailor an exact list of product items to exact skin concerns.

  • Each slot in the product recommendation category can hold up to 12 product items.

  • Product Items from 1 slot will be ranked for display to the user based on:

    1. Priority of Product Items.

    2. Alphabetical order of Product Items Name.

  • If your business does not offer some type of product for the exact slot, you can leave the unnecessary/irrelevant slots or product categories empty. The Recommendation Engine will address only the concerns with filled slots.

Last updated