Add and Customize Survey

This page describes a user journey customization settings to add survey into Skin Consultant app.

If you wish to collect additional data about your customers, you can add a survey to the Skin Consultant app. This is an optional user journey step.

Adding a question

  1. Navigate to Skin consultant tab on the menu of SaaS platform.

  2. Navigate to your Skin Consultant App details by clicking on name of your app in the list of apps.

  3. Open the (2) Survey tab.

  4. Click “Add question” button.

  5. Select type of question. See Supported question types.

  6. Enter question text and (optionally) enter options of answers.

    Example of single choice question
  7. Click "Save changes" on the bottom right corner of the screen.

You can add as many questions as you like.

It is suggested to keep the survey as short as possible to reduce the bounce rate.

Making questions mandatory

By default, all questions are optional, i.e., users can skip them without answering.

To make a question mandatory, use the checkbox “mandatory” while adding the question.

Changing the order of questions

Use “Move up” and “Move down” links to rearrange questions.

Supported question types

There are five types of questions:

  • Single choice

  • Multiple choice

  • Scale number

  • Number

  • Text input

Survey preview

As soon as changes saved, the survey appears in you Skin Consultant widget

  1. Access preview of your Skin Consultant app as described in Previewing your Skin Consultant app.

  2. Survey questions will appear before the image collection step.

Survey results export

The reply to the survey can be downloaded manually for all users in bulk of the selected Skin Consultant app. The export of Survey answers is available only in .csv format.

  1. Navigate to Skin consultant tab on the menu of SaaS platform.

  2. Navigate to your Skin Consultant App details by clicking on name of your app in the list of apps.

  3. Open the (1) General settings tab.

  4. Click on the "Download survey answers (CSV)" button in the bottom-right corner.


How many questions can be added to survey?

You have an unlimited number of survey questions that can be added to the Skin Consultant app. However, it is highly recommended to keep survey as short as possible to reduce the user bounce rate.

Does Survey in Skin Consultant support email / phone number collection with verification?

No. Currently, this feature is not available in the Skin Consultant app survey.

Can I add images to survey?

No. Currently, this feature is not available in the Skin Consultant app survey.

Can I export only selected user survey?

This feature is not available in Advanced+ plan.

Last updated