End-User Analytics

This page describes the option to connect analytics services to any of your Skin Consultant app.

If you wish to collect user analytics, you can analytics tracker to your app.

Supported Analytics services

Currently, the Skin Consultant App supports only integration with Google Analytics 4.

Connecting the Analytics

Adding an Analytics tracker is a paid feature.

To unlock this feature, please, contact your Account Manager.

  1. Navigate to Skin consultant tab on the menu of the SaaS platform.

  2. Navigate to your Skin Consultant App details by clicking on the name of your app in the list of apps.

  3. Open the (4) Advanced tab.

  4. Find the Google Analytics tracker section.

  5. Paste your Google Analytics stream tracker ID, see Where can I find my Google Analytics Tracker ID?.

Tracked Events

  • Start of session

  • Start of image collection

  • Upload of image

  • Review results

In case of a question, please, reach out to your Account Manager.


Where can I find my Google Analytics Tracker ID?

  1. Fo to your Google Analytics Admin account.

  2. Set up a project in Google Analytics or use the existing one.

  3. Go to the Data Streams configuration in the Google Analytics admin section.

  4. Add a new Data Stream and copy its Measurement ID.

I attached the Google Analytics, but I don't see any events incoming

It normally takes up to 1 day for Google Analytics to start gathering the events and metrics for the new stream. It might take longer if your Skin Consultant App is not actively used (<10 users per day).

In case you don't see the events for a longer period, please, reach out to your Account Manager.

Last updated