Create New Study

This page describes a process of Study creation and properties of study

Navigate to the Studies section in SaaS. Click on the “New Study” button in the bottom-right corner of your screen. A popup window will appear.


The creation of a new Study requires the selection of several key properties, that are organized in logical steps for simplicity in the Study creation wizard:

At any moment of Study creation, you can click "Save draft" to save a draft of the Study and continue setting it up later.

Basic Settings

This step requires you to select:

  • Type of data that will be collected. The selected option will define the "smart camera" interface.

  • Name of the study.

Duration and Data Collection Frequency Settings

This step requires you to select:

  • Number of Stages. One Stages indicate one part of the study.

  • Number of Days. Each Stage will last for the selected number of days.

  • Number of Photos. Each stage will require the participant to collect the selected number of photos.

  • Type of photos (only if you selected Face (selfie) or Hair (selfie) in Basic Settings - one of 2 options:

    • Front selfie photos.

    • Front selfie + side selfie photos.

  • Apply product - optional display informing your participants to apply the product after selected photo number.

Image Collection Process settings

This step requires you to select:

  • Smart camera option

  • Image compression:

    • uncompressed PNG (recommended for studies in laboratory conditions)

    • 100% JPEG (recommended for remote studies)

    • 75% JPEG

    • 50% JPEG

  • Device camera direction:

    • front (selfie) camera

    • back (main) camera

  • Photo capture process:

    • Automatic photo collection when quality conditions are met: when selected

    • Manual photo collection by pressing the button: when not selected

Participant-facing Instructions Settings

This step requires you to enter information for your participants:

  • Study contact person details: name, email, phone

  • Study texts, explaining to participants critical details at different stages of the Study:

    • Introduction text

    • How to take photos instruction text

    • Finished stage and finished study text

All text fields support Markdown syntax, and there is a text preview field below text input fields.

Survey Settings (Optional)

This step is optional.

If you don’t want to include surveys in your study, just go click on the “Create” button.

This step offers you an opportunity to add surveys to your study, enabling collection of additional data about your participants.

  • Click on the “Add question” button.

  • Select the type of question

  • Enter the text of the question

Next steps

After finishing with Survey Settings (Optional), the Study is created as soon as you click the "Create" button.

The created Study is visible in a list of studies in Studies section in SaaS.

The created Study will be in status "Not started".

To start the created Study, follow the next part of guide -> Launch Study


How long the Study will take?

The duration of the whole study can be calculated by simply multiplying the number of stages by the duration of one stage. For example, if you have five stages and each of them lasts two days, the duration of your study will be ten (5x2) days.

How often my participants will have to take photos?

The frequency of photo collection can be calculated by dividing the length of 1 stage in days by a number of photos per stage. For example, if you have stages that last two days and the number of photos is set to 4 per stage, your participants will be asked to take photos 2 times per day.

What instructions should I give about "How to take photos?"

The basic instructions for study participants about selfie image collection are listed below. Feel free to copy them or rephrase them to suit your needs.

  • Remove any makeup, headwear, glasses, and other accessories.

  • Make sure your hair doesn't cover any part of your face.

  • Don’t smile; just relax your face.

  • Position the camera right in front of your face and look directly at it.

  • The face-to-camera distance has to be far enough that your face fits completely into the frame, but also close enough to make your pores and small wrinkles visible.

  • Take a selfie in good light, preferably daylight.

What types of questions are supported in Study surveys?

There are five types of questions you can add:

  • single choice

  • multiple choice

  • scale

  • number

  • text input

Every question can also be accompanied by 1 image. You can upload an image to a question by uploading the illustration file in Survey settings.

When survey questions will be asked?

You can add surveys:

  • before picture-taking step

  • after picture-taking step

  • before AND after the picture-taking step.

You can ask your participants to take a survey:

  • just once

  • once at every stage

  • once every day

Last updated