Launch Study

This page describes a process of preparing the Study for launch and launching the study.

Navigate to the Studies section in SaaS. Click on the created study in a list.

Optionally, follow the Create New Study guide.


The launching of the new Study requires setting up the study for a selected participants:

Enter Participant IDs

This step requires you to enter Participant IDs. You are recommended to follow this guide:

  1. Use some 3rd party service to store participant personal details such as name, email, phone, etc. Generate and add to that service a unique ID for each your participant

  2. Paste your unique ID for every study participant.

    1. Divide IDs by commas or line breaks (or just paste a column from your spreadsheet)

    2. Each ID should not contain spaces.

  1. Click “Save” or "Save and close" to save the changes.

Attach the Application (important)

This stage is crucially important if images, collected during the studies, need to be processed with any of Algorithms applications.

If you miss this step, you won't be able to process images retrospectively!

Every created Study has a connected Dataset in Datasets.

  1. Navigate to the Studies section in SaaS.

  2. Find your created study in a list of studies.

  3. Copy the name of the Study

Start Study

When all previous steps are done, click on the “Start study” button to make the study active.

Share Access Credentials with your Participants

For each unique ID from Enter Participant IDs step the unique login link and personal PIN were generated. To find them:

  1. Navigate to the Studies section in SaaS.

  2. Find your created and started study in a list of studies.

  3. Go to the tab Participants

  4. Copy or export as CSV the credentials and send each participant his/her own login URL and PIN.


How will the Study look for participant?

You can see what it looks like to a participant here.

What Study settings can I change before I start the study?

All of the settings from Create New Study guide can be changed later.

  1. Navigate to the Studies section in SaaS.

  2. Find your created and started study in a list of studies.

  3. Go to the tab Settings if you want to change the name of the study, number of stages, and type of data collected.

  4. Go to the tab Intro if you want to change explanatory texts and study admin contact information

  5. Go to the tab Survey if you want to change survey questions, question order, etc.

  6. After changing any settings, click "Save data" or "Save changes" blue button in the lower-left corner of your screen to save the changes.

What Study settings can't be changed after the study is started?

  • You can't delete participants or change their credentials / ID once you’ve added them.

  • You can't change the settings once you’ve started the study.

Last updated